2020 has started, so I have thought to write more on my thoughts around the new year & how to make it different.
First, I will focus more on health. In terms of the food I eat & the exercise I do. I will do my best to eat clean. Following the 80-20 rule, I will clean food 80% of the time & will go for junk 20% of the time. I will drink at 8-12 glasses of water per day. I will walk for 30 minutes daily.
Second, I will read more books. Let us aim for 12 books this year. One book a month, with a variety of Arabic or English books, novel or self-development. I will make sure to learn something new from each book.
Third, I will watch various series & movies. I will make sure to watch different stories & genres. As well, I will make sure to learn something new every time whether it is comedy or romance or drama, it doesn't matter.
Fourth, I will spend less time online & I will connect with people in the real-life. If we are working together, I will keep emails/instant messages to the minimal & I will go to your desk to connect further. If we are out together, I will leave my phone alone & focus with you.
Fifth, I will let myself fall in love with no fears. I am always afraid of commitment or long-term relationships such as marriage. This year, I have decided to let it be. I won't be afraid of the future as I always do, I will do what I should do & trust in Allah to give met the best.
Sixth, I really believe in Karma deep inside. I know that there is good Karma & bad Karma, I will make sure to circulate good Karma & will break the cycle for bad Karma through giving a helping hand. Believing in energy/chakras & everything related. I will meditate regularly & do some yoga. I will also pay a visit to a nice professor to discuss this topic even more. Stay tuned on this blog, if you are interested.
Seventh, I will choose a word for 2020. In 2019, my word wad "BELIEVE". However, this year my word is "I'M ENOUGH". I won't compare myself to anyone or anything this year, and I will keep believing that "I am enough". I can face every situation by my own, I can take my own decisions, I can work hard & finish all my errands.
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